Ian Samir Yep Manzano

Medicine, Languages, Software Engineering, Classical Music


I'm Ian Samir Yep Manzano, a Mexican-British medical doctor and aspiring Software Engineer.

My Experience

I work with various technologies including:

  • C++ for competitive programming / PlatformIO for embedded systems
  • Java / Springboot / Mockito
  • Docker / Kubernetes / Redhat OpenShift
  • GitLab / Github including CI/CD pipelines
  • Godot with GDScript for game development
  • Python / Django / PyQt
  • Figma for prototyping
  • NextJS / React / Typescript / TailwindCSS / ShadcnUI / Supabase / Clerk authentication for frontend web development
  • Expo / React Native for mobile development

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to me on GitHub or LinkedIn!